Memory of policies and practices in damage reduction: Interview with Fatima Machado
September 28, 2021...
September 28, 2021This is a book written by the authors of Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT), Neil Jacobson, Andrew Christensen and Brian Doss, to be used as a form of psychoeducation on marital relationships, in addition to being a sort of self-help for couples to improve their relationships. Written in this perspective, it can be read as an "independent" guide for couples, since, in addition to the reading that proposes to reflect on the relationship, there are activities for the couple to carry out. It can also be read while participating in couple therapy in the IBCT approach. See the full text written by psychologist Mara Lins on the contextus Blog: http://terapiascontextuais.com.br/diruntas-para-o-uso-do-livro-diferencas-reconciliaveis-reconstrizando-seu-relação-ao-redescobrir- the-partner-that-you-love-without-getting-lost-during-the-couple-therapy-with-ibct /...
February 10, 2020It is found that the family environment can both influence and protect adolescents from substance use, depending on their degree of (dis) functionality. Alcohol use by adolescents is of concern, and 50% of 9th grade students have tried it (IBGE, 2016). The aim of this study was to understand the perception of adolescents about alcohol consumption in their families, in which at least one parent was abstinent chemically dependent....
January 13, 2020