Edusex Sexuality Center

It is with great pleasure that CEFI presents its new core of studies: EDUSEX - Education in Sexuality.
The human sexual dimension is innate and complex. The perception and expression of sexuality are factors that impact the quality of life of individuals.
However, the theme of sex is a theme wrapped in taboos and difficulties in dealing with the issue of sexuality is often a source of intra and interpersonal suffering.
Sexual difficulties can influence the level of satisfaction and quality of the marital relationship. Couples in therapy will most likely have sexual issues to work on, although that may not be the main reason for looking.
The construction of sexuality in the family context and the challenge of including the topic of sexuality in family therapies requires new reflections and approaches by health professionals.
Issues of gender / identity and sexual orientation in contemporary times invite us to seek more actively the understanding and acceptance by society, through work strategies and interventions in sexual education in families.
We realize, however, that difficulties in addressing the topic can also be felt by professionals, who often do not receive this education and training in undergraduate courses, making this area often overlooked.
It is for this purpose that the CEFI-EDUSEX Center was born, aware of the need to create a space where therapists can share and learn to include sexual issues as an integral topic in their clinical practice.
- Coordination: Michelli Osanai da Costa - CRM 22806: Gynecologist / Obstetrician; Certification in Sexology (FEBRASGO), Specialization in Sex Therapy (ISEXP); Specialization in Couple and Family Therapy (CEFI). Invited professor in the specialization courses in systemic therapy of CEFI - Discipline of Sexuality of the Couple. Residence tutor and Coordinator of the Sexology outpatient clinic of the Gynecology Service of HSL-PUC-RS.
- Prof. Dr. João Alves: Physician, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist; University Professor, Researcher and Postdoctoral fellow at the Education Institute of the University of Minho (Braga) in the area of human rights, public policies in mental health, gender relations and identity, and sexual identity; Member of the LGBTQ + Council of Indiana (USA); Member of the Midwestern Psychological Association (USA); PhD in Psychology at PUC-RS-BR; Master in Social Psychology from PUC-RS-BR.
- Maria Eliza Wilke - CRP 07/04489: Graduated in Psychology at PUCRS. Master in Social Psychology from PUCRS. Specialist in Couple and Family Therapy by CEFI, Teaching coordinator at CEFI. Professor of the postgraduate course in Systemic Therapy at CEFI. Psychotherapist of individuals, couples and families in the systemic approach.
- Lina Wainberg - CRP 07/11129: Psychologist, Specialist in Couple and Family Therapy, Master in Sexology and PhD in Psychology. Member of the Board of the Brazilian Society of Human Sexuality.
- Gustavo Affonso Gomes- CRP 07/25475: Professor in the Psychology course at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS); Invited professor in CEFI specialization courses in systemic therapy and in mourning situations; Master in Social Psychology from PUCRS; Specialist in Social Psychology at PUC-RS.
- Bárbara Juliana Ahlert - Psychologist (Unisinos) CRP 07/08704: Couples therapist (Cefi); Sex Therapist (Iphem RJ); Member of the Brazilian Society of Human Sexuality; Creator of Erotica Intelligence.
- Gabriela Techio - (CRP 07/28944): Graduated in Psychology (PUCRS) and Social Sciences (UFRGS). Specialist in Systemic Therapy by (CEFI) and master's student in Social Psychology (PUCRS).
- Studies in the field of sex therapy, proposing greater integration between the different fields of approach.
- Lectures, courses and events on the topic of Human Sexuality.
- Training of specialized human resources to assist in human sexuality.
- Individual, group and family care in Sexology.
- Development of research projects on sexuality.