Cefi College

Grief and Studies Center



CORA is composed of a team of specialized professionals focused on the study and interventions in mourning situations and is based in Porto Alegre, RS. The development of CORA was the result of a long work that began in 1995, and that has been expanding over time, adding professionals related to the area, formally constituted by a Specialized Center in 2007 to promote actions. preventive and therapeutic approaches to coping and overcoming grief. The team, coordinated by Psychologist Adriana Zilberman, is made up of psychologists, doctors and nurses, with weekly meetings aimed at action planning, from an interdisciplinary and intersectoral perspective.


• Enhance team studies and empowerment
• Empower professionals to mourn interventions in different contexts
• Supervise clinical cases
• Develop research
• Disseminate technical knowledge by • Provide guidance to the population on issues related to loss and grief

Activities: Currently the nucleus has support groups, individual, double and family clinical care, partnerships with funeral homes and health centers, internship with emphasis on clinical and extension courses, improvement and specialization in grief.

What is grief?

Grief is a normal and expected process in response to a painful loss and evokes countless emotions and behaviors at the same time.

How to help someone cope with the grieving process?

  • Don't force the person to talk about it, let them talk if they want to. Offer comfort without necessarily having to talk.
  • Accept and acknowledge your feelings, let me express your feelings freely.
  • Let the mourner talk about the person who died and what death was like, even if you repeat this story over and over, as this is part of the process of understanding and accepting death.
  • Offer support without minimizing loss. Do not compare your grieving process with someone else's. The pain is individual and unique.

What are the signs that help is needed?

  • Loss of interest in life and / or wish to have died with a loved one.
  • Excessive blame for failing to prevent death.
  • Difficulty trusting people since loss has occurred
  • Difficulty returning to daily activities.
  • Denial of death or recurring thoughts that the person is still alive.
  • Strong avoidance of things that may remind the person who died.
  • Intense anger and bitterness over the loss.
  • Feeling that life is empty and utterly meaningless.