Cefi College

Psychotherapeutic practices in childhood and adolescence

The Specialization Course in Psychotherapeutic Practices in Childhood and Adolescence seeks to instrumentalize professionals for psychotherapeutic interventions in childhood and adolescence in the face of the approaches of cognitive behavioral, contextual and systemic therapies, contextualizing human development from different psychosocial realities. P>

The Specialization Course in Psychotherapeutic Practices in Childhood and Adolescence is based on three theoretical approaches: systemic, cognitive behavioral and contextual. Thus, it offers theoretical knowledge and opportunity for practical interventions with children and adolescents, anchored in these approaches, including the insertion of the family in the psychotherapeutic process.

The proposal stands out for bringing professionals who recognize, admittedly, in different approaches and in an integrated manner. The class will have systematic moments of theoretical and technical integration with more than one professional discussing and reflecting on different topics simultaneously. The course proposes discussions about childhood and adolescence from the eyes of different psychosocial and developmental realities.

It becomes very relevant, providing the update and training of professionals in the field and contemplating, through the integration of different theoretical approaches, the expansion of knowledge, in order to fully meet the growing demand of children and adolescents with problems Psychological.


Trained professionals for clinical understanding and intervention with children and adolescents, in management with families and their insertion and their insertion in the psychotherapeutic process.


theoretical classes - exhibition classes, video presentation and discussion, dynamic, group work.< /P>

practical and experiential classes-simulations ( Role Playing ), clinical case discussion, video debate Services and movies, services with direct (live service) and indirect (reported) supervision. Special topics seminars throughout the second and third semester as required for theory and practice integration. Start of calls in the second semester.

one of the final evaluation criteria of the graduate modality is the completion of the course completion work in format of article.


Élida Fluck Pereira Neto

Enroll in the course
Psychotherapeutic practices in childhood and adolescence
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Psychologists, psychiatrists interested in clinical care of children and adolescents.

  • Total workload


  • Period

    August 2024 to December 2025